Dudes And Dads Podcast

A show helping men be better dudes and dads, by building community through meaningful conversation and storytelling. We release new episodes every other  Tuesday

Hosted ByAndy Lehman & Joel DeMott

A show helping men be better dudes and dads, by building community through meaningful conversation and storytelling. We release new episodes every other  Tuesday

All Episodes

Brent Miller : Finances – S3E19

In this episode, we talk with Brent Miller from Everence about finances. Brent shares with us that it is not too early or too late to start taking your finances seriously, no matter what age you are. We have partnered with Everence to bring three more episodes about finances over the next year, including topics such as charitable giving, youth savings, and much more.


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  • (0:00) Intro
  • (4:19) Interview with Brent Miller
  • (33:44) Dudes And Dads Pop Quiz
  • (43:41) Outro

James Kennison : A Battle Worth Fighting – S3E16

In this episode, we talk with James Kennison host of the highly celebrated Podcast that story show. Our conversation covers the joys of building community through his show, while also facing the challenges of depression.



  • (0:00) Intro
  • (1:38) Interview With James Kennison
  • (49:55) Dudes And Dads Pop Quiz
  • (53:45) Outro

Martin Thomas: Nazareth Man House – S3E15

In this episode, we talk with Martin Thomas. Martin was incarcerated in Indiana state prison with a 50-year sentence, where he discovered that many men who get let out end up back in prison. While Martin was still incarcerated, he decided to start working on a plan to help this problem. The Nazareth Man House was born. The Nazareth Man House helps previously incarcerated men build skills to help keep them out of prison. Listen to hear Martin tell more about his story and what the Nazareth Man house and Foresight For-Givers Foundation does.



  • (0:00) Intro
  • (4:41) Interview with Martin Thomas
  • (47:49) Dudes And Dads Pop Quiz
  • (52:09) Outro

John Kauffman : Big Brother – S3E14

In this episode, we talk with John Kauffman. John is part of the Big Brother / Big Sister program. After John’s kids were older and moved out, John decided to become a big brother to a young man. He tells us about some of the adventures he goes on, and what it means to invest in the life of a young person.



  • 0:00) Intro
  • (1:40) Interview with John Kauffman
  • (29:06) Dudes And Dads Pop Quiz
  • (32:10) Outro

Sean Clifford: Canopy Parental Control App – S3E13

In this episode, we talk with Sean Clifford of the Canopy parental control app. Sean is a father of 4 who wants to make the digital world safer for kids all over. He founded canopy and created an app that uses artificial intelligence to search for and actively remove pornography from web pages and images. It also helps keep kids from sexting. Hear more about the app and what it can do in this episode.



  • (0:00) Intro
  • (2:01) Interview with Sean Clifford
  • (37:09) Dudes And Dads Pop Quiz
  • (41:09) Outro

Greg Serafino: Worshiping God In The Grief -S3E12

Greg worked in the steel industry, and then he felt the calling to go into ministry and is now a pastor. Greg became the modern-day Job when his son was killed, then one month later, both of his in-laws were killed in a car accident, and one month after that, his dad was diagnosed with cancer, and a few short weeks later, he died. He also had a daughter that found out she was pregnant and then lost the child early in the pregnancy. Through all this, Greg has chosen to worship God in the grief.



  • (0:00) Intro
  • (0:38) Greg Serafino Interview
  • (38:13) Dudes And Dads Pop Quiz